Wednesday, 25 June 2008
D-DAY AT WORK! Oh and Cyril Hare.
Cyril Hare is the pseudonym of Alfred Alexander Gordon Clark. 1900-1958. His stories tend to concentrate on Legal matters, eg. Divorce, Wills and the asylum laws from the first half of the 20th century. This is undoubtedly down to Clark being, firstly a barrister and later a county court judge. In 1924 he was called to the bar, In 1933 he married Mary Barbara Lawrence, a union that produced a son and two daughters. In 1958 he was sadly taken ill and died.
"With A Bare Bodkin" By Cyril Hare, first edition published by Faber and Faber, London 1946, P183.
"Best Detective Stories of Cyril Hare" By Cyril Hare, first edition published by Faber and Faber, London 1959, p272.
A small sub-note about Cyril Hare. In the 1930s, he resided in Cyril mansions, Battersea. And worked in Hare courts, Temple.
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Some new books.....hopefully.
Chocolate cobwebs, a super blog which I always check for new posts, has a passion especially for interesting and quality covers. My hands are tied to a certain extent as I tend to only show 1st edition covers, however there are exceptions ( See WHAT IS GOING ON ) This cover is one of my favourites. It is by John Storey, who is now someone I will have to research.
I have recently obtained my second Cyril Hare book, and will tell more next time.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Is it me?
"Adders on the heath" First published Michael Joseph Ltd, London. 1963. p240.
"Convent on Styx" First published Michael Joseph Ltd, London. 1975. p205.
Monday, 16 June 2008
I took a load of Agatha Christie paperbacks, some 1960s publications, gorgeous covers, only 50p each. Not one sold. Philistines. I did sell about 4 horror books, mostly vampire based tales to a young lady. I asked which authors she liked, got the usual answer King, Herbert and Koontz, so I showed her a book by Stephen Laws called Chasm, suggested she give him a go, and thankfully she did. I can only hope that I have saved another soul from falling into the bottomless pits of convention, conformity and dullness.
"The Hollow" First published 1946 by Collins Crime Club. This edition 1963 Fontana books, p190.
"Ordeal by innocence" First pub' 1958 by Collins Crime Club, this edition 1961 Fontana books p192.
"The mysterious affair at Styles" First pub' 1920 Bodley Head, this edition 1962 Pan books ltd, p188.
"The Murder at the Vicarage" First pub' 1930 Collins Crime Club, this edition 1961 Fontana books p191.
"The Sittaford Mystery" First pub' 1931 Collins Crime Club, this edition 1961 Fontana books p189
"Three Act Tragedy" First pub' 1935 Collins Crime Club, this edition 1962 Fontana books p192
"Lord Edgware Dies" First pub' 1933 Collins Crime Club, this edition 1962 Fontana books p192
Baseball update. Fleckney Flyers 341 overall, 13 in the BJ div.
Nice 'n' Sleazy 212 overall, 8 in the BJ div.
Hello to Kay, I am liking your blog more and more, will e-mail soon. Best of health and happiness to all your family and friends.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Pearls of wisdom, or Confucius says.....
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
A little more
After struggling for so long in my vain and ignorant way to try and get any book by Gladys. I finally managed to find this Penguin. It gives me great pleasure to think that my first Gladys is now Kay's first Gladys.