At long last, a second Malcolm Torrie book has surfaced on e-bay. Malcolm Torrie is one of Gladys Mitchell's pseudonyms, and although I have obtained roughly 40 of her books, I only have 1 other by "Torrie". This could be a very welcome addition to my library. However a word of caution to myself and everybody else, books by "Torrie" are more scarce than those by Glady's. Beware of competition and wallet damage potential.
The one book that I do own is, "Bismark Herrings" First edition printed, 1971, by Michael Joseph London, p231.

Chocolate cobwebs, a super blog which I always check for new posts, has a passion especially for interesting and quality covers. My hands are tied to a certain extent as I tend to only show 1st edition covers, however there are exceptions ( See WHAT IS GOING ON ) This cover is one of my favourites. It is by John Storey, who is now someone I will have to research.
I have recently obtained my second Cyril Hare book, and will tell more next time.
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