Tuesday, 29 July 2008


Started back to work yesterday, for the first time in 6 months. Very apprehensive and nervous about not only facing the management, but also to a greater extent the colleagues. As expected, things didn't go smoothly from the off. No gentle reintroduction, refreshers, or even anybody on hand to ease my transition back into the workplace. This was later acknowledged and apologised for, but it still nearly made me leave after 15 mins of being there. But I stuck it and hopefully things may become a little easier as things progress. Glass half empty as usual. Went to my Monday night MIND drop in meeting, and have started to find that slowly some of the other members are beginning to accept me and let down some of the barriers that they erected.

Last Thursday I eventually started my befriending scheme. This involves going around to a elderly person and spending something like an hour with them. This then gives them an outlet to talk with someone, this opportunity may be quite scarce for them, so I act as a sort of social outlet. The gentleman I see is called Bob, he is an ex prison officer, 69, but also disabled. Not only does Bob hopefully benefit from these meetings but I also am looking to gain from them. My second visit will be on this Thursday. Along with my Monday night drop ins at MIND, I am starting to build up my social life.

Baseball updates.

Fleckney flyers, 174 overall, 7 in the BJ div

Nice 'n' sleazy, 214 overall, 10 in the BJ div.

Finished this weekend was Anthony Gilbert, "Out for the kill" First edition, published for the crime club by Collins. 1960, p254. Jacket by William Randell.

A review will follow next time.

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