Saturday, 15 November 2008


This promises to be an interesting week in one form or another. Monday I will be paying a visit to a Psychiatrist for the first time. I have been told by Carol, the lady from the Aspergers group who support me that all that will happen is that they will either change or increase my medication. This visit is not about my Aspergers but more about my eternal depression. Following that in the evening Carol, Jayne and I will be going to something called the Monday club which was set up about 10 years ago as a support group for people with ASD. We are going along with a view to setting up a "Satelite" group which (will function along similar lines in) Market Harborough.
Thursday, the lady from social services will call round to discuss with both Carol and myself the need for ongoing support, re- the finance. Now, for me, all this constitutes a very stressful and packed week, let's hope things run smoothly, otherwise......well let's not go there.
Some covers, I was not sure who to do this week, so I plumped for:-

Ngaio Marsh "Opening Night" First U.K. published by Collins for the Crime Club 1951, p256.

Ngaio Marsh " Off with his head" First U.K. published by Collins for the Crime Club, 1957, p287.

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