I look at my books and wonder to myself "Just what do I read next?" Almost inevitably there are plenty of Gladys Mitchell, but also I have accumulated several other books by various authors that also require serious attention. What makes matters worse is although skint I still find myself accruing even more titles, not just by my regular authors, (Mitchell, Christie, Marsh, Allingham, Roberts, Gilbert, Biggers, Beaton and Hare ) I even found myself buying a Sax Rohmer book recently. The problem is compounded by 2 things. #1, My inability to maintain concentration, focus and take in what I read, which means that about 4 pages is my maximum output. #2 Possibly down to the medication or my Aspergers I now find that I could possibly be re-reading a book. Either that or I am getting a weird sense of deja vu.
We have now hit the dark and dismal months of winter and for all people who suffer depression this can be a tricky to say the least. No U V light being the main contributor, also the stress of Christmas and New Year adding to any woes you may have. Me, personally always find this an uncomfortable and awkward time of the year and have to rely on family and friends more than ever to help me through these winter months.
One or two more recent additions and an oldie that contains one of Gladys finest works. 
Sax Rohmer, " The Golden Scorpion " First U.K. edition 1919, edition shown 13th impression 1936, published by Methuen & Co LTD, London P250, Cover (I believe) is Frank Wright.
Gladys Mitchell "The Rising of the Moon" First U.K. edition published by Michael Joseph 1945, p223, Jacket A.E. Barlow
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